Prayer is an essential ministry at Abundant Harvest. Pre-service prayer takes place on Sundays from 8:30-9:15AM. Intercessory prayer meets on 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from 6:30-8:00. Contact Elder Tony D'Angelo for further questions.
Prayer is an essential ministry at Abundant Harvest. Pre-service prayer takes place on Sundays from 8:30-9:15AM. Intercessory prayer meets on 2nd and 4th Monday of the month from 6:30-8:00. Contact Elder Tony D'Angelo for further questions.
Caring Hearts is a ministry of caring for one another in the Body of Christ. The goal of this ministry is to encourage others in Abundant Harvest Church through cards, meals, visits, and transportation. This ministry is very effective in ministering to those who have surgeries, tragedies, and death. Contact Coordinator, Dixie Minnich, for further information and to sign up.
We ALWAYS are in need of volunteers for Children's ministries. This includes Nursery, Kingdom Kids, and Tweens. Whether you are a teacher or a helper, your skills are needed. There is a minimum attendance period required for serving as well as background checks required for all volunteers over the age of 18. Contact Director Danielle Huss to sign up today!
The child check-in is a primary component in keeping our children safe. This ministry assists parents in completing their check-in correctly as well as directing the children into their age-appropriate classes. Contact Coordinator, Sheila Campbell, for more information or to volunteer.
Worship is a vital part of our lives as believers. The role of the Worship Team at Abundant Harvest is to serve the Lord in worship and serve the congregation by helping them as one voice to engage the Lord in worship. To serve on this team, there is a minimum amount of time needed in attendance as well as various other requirements. Contact Pastor Lauren Eshenour to inquire about joining the Worship Team.
The media team pursues excellence in the art of running the main monitors/computers for any given Sunday service. Requirements include the ability to read and a basic working knowledge of computers. If you are interested in serving in this ministry, contact Sheila Campbell to join the team.
Good sound will make or break any service. The role of those that serve on the sound ministry may be unseen - but definitely not unheard. If you have a heart to work behind the scenes and have a musical ear, this may be a good ministry fit for you. Contact Pastor Lauren for more information and to sign up to volunteer. Experience is a benefit but not necessary.
2020 brought many things - not the least of which was the establishment of a livestream team at Abundant Harvest Church. This team is being developed and is fairly technical. Experience is not necessary, but the ability to understand computer integration, software, basic production, and troubleshooting are essential to this position. If you value excellent production and have a skill set that involves computers, this may be the right fit for you. Contact Pastor Lauren for more information or to volunteer.
While they are never seen, the results of their work is definitely notable. The cleaning crew works together to clean various parts of the building every week. Duties include: scrubbing bathrooms, wiping counters, dusting, mopping, trash removal, and vacuuming. Contact Coordinator Terri Hughes and sign up today to serve.
Feeling festive? The decorating team primarily is responsible for decorating church for Christmas & Easter. If you have an eye for decor and desire to help only a few times per year, contact Pastor Lauren Eshenour to sign up.
Indoor and Outdoor maintenance are important at Abundant Harvest Church. We believe we've been given great favor with our property and it's important that we care for it appropriately. Projects range from small to large, simple to involved. If you're interested in serving as needed, complete the contact form.
Each week the offering is counted by a team of people - The Counters. This position takes about 30 minutes per week and can work with your serving schedule. There is a minimum amount of time that a person must attend before being considered for this area of service. If you have a desire to help with counting, please contact Coordinator, Carole Rose.
If you enjoy meeting new people and would love to welcome them to Abundant Harvest Church, then the "Greeter Ministry" is for you. Greeters arrive 30 minutes prior to the Sunday service and stand at their post while welcoming people and distributing the Talk to Us card. If you have a desire to help with counting, please contact Coordinators, Ray and Cindy Mullen.
The Usher team is a key part of safety and meeting practical needs on a Sunday morning. The ushers and gatekeepers monitor the property, take the offering, take attendance, assist in congregational needs or emergencies, and monitor classrooms. If you have a desire to be a part of the usher team, please contact Coordinator, Tyler Evelhoch.