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Back to School - Be Honorable

by Danielle Huss on August 25, 2023

1 Timothy 4:12 - Don't let anyone think less of you because you are young.  Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. 

Lord, I pray for the children of AHC, that they would live honorable lives.  I pray that they would be like Timothy and not let their age prevent them from walking in a way that pleases the Lord.  May they live their lives as good influencers and healthy role models for others.  As Paul called Timothy higher, I declare that they will be challenged to honorably lead others regardless of what everyone else thinks or says.  Lord, let the children of AHC know that age is just a number and that their lack of years shouldn’t stop them from being an example to others. 

Lord, may they pay less attention to what their class mates are saying and more attention to what the Lord is speaking to them.  Father, I ask that they would be recognized as children who speak the truth in love, respect authority, and do what is right.   Let them walk in faith and use wisdom and discernment to solve problems and find solutions.  I pray that they wouldn't get caught up in drama, backbiting, shaming, or mistreating those who are the targets of others, but would stand at the side of those being persecuted and call them “friend.”  Let them recognize that the Holy Spirit has empowered them to be game changers, trend setters, mountain movers, and water walkers.

May the children of AHC be ones who are held in high esteem, honesty and respect - not for their own glory but for Yours.  Cause the light that our children shine to draw people - that others would chase/follow them as they follow the Lord.  In all they do, may they be honorable examples to those around them and walk in honor all the days of their lives.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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