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Back to School - Blessing & Favor

by Lauren Eshenour on August 26, 2023

Lord, thank you for the children of AHC.  Thank you that You’ve given them to us to mold for the destiny to which You’ve called them.  They’ve been born with a call and purpose in their generation – “FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS.” 

Deuteronomy 11:26-28 says, See, I am setting before you today a blessing and a curse—the blessing if you obey the commands of the Lord your God that I am giving you today;  the curse if you disobey the commands of the Lord your God and turn from the way that I command you today by following other gods, which you have not known.”

You’ve given them the choice of life or death, of blessing or cursing.  I declare that our young people will choose life and walk in the way of blessing.  They will not be easily deceived and choose a reprobate lifestyle.  They will not be quick to follow after idols or “other lovers.”  They have been given EVERYTHING they need for life and godliness.  I thank you, Lord, that the children of AHC will pursue truth that comes from Your Word.  They will pursue a life of obedience to You and their parents.  May they receive insight that their obedience and depth of surrender to Jesus doesn’t just cause blessing to follow them – but causes blessings to be poured out into the generations. 

 As their character is molded and shaped, let them stand out and be favored in academics, sports, and responsibility with their teachers.  Let them rise to the top of their class because of their character and integrity.  Let them represent Your name well and, because of it, let their name be known.  Favor them as a role models to those that are younger.  Let their way be worth modeling.   

Lord, I thank you that the children of AHC are blessed as they delight in Your law and meditate on it day and night.  I declare that these children will not walk in wicked counsel or participate in lawlessness.  They will be like trees planted by streams of water and all they put their hands to will prosper.  (Psalm 1:1-3) In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Tags: character, favor, curse, blessing, modeling


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