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Children - Day 13 - By the Spirit

by Lauren Eshenour on February 26, 2024

Day 16 – By the Spirit

Zechariah 4:6 – “Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,” says the Lord Almighty. 

Lord, I pray for a fresh outpouring of your Spirit on my children today.  I thank you that each one follows Christ and has relationship with you.  Oh Father, baptize them in your Spirit.  Let them hunger for you as never before.  Let them sense your love and calling on their lives.  Help them to be in tune with how and when the Holy Spirit speaks to them – and let them respond to your voice!  Help them to live only for YOUR pleasure – not that of “man.”  Help them to walk in victory all the days of their lives because of your Holy Spirit and their relationship with Him.  Cause them to always walk in humility – knowing they succeed and thrive because of your Spirit.  In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Tags: spirit, hunger, guide, baptize


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