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Children - Day 15 - Discouragement & Loneliness

by Lauren Eshenour on February 28, 2024

Day 15 – Loneliness/Discouragement

Lord Jesus, help __________ to know you as a God who is close and their friend.  Let them lean into relationship with you all the days of their lives.  Cause that relationship to fuel them in the various seasons of loneliness they will walk through.  While I wish I could keep them from knowing this pain, I know it’s part of the process you use to refine leaders – and you are a God of the process as much as the outcome.  Help them to see refining by the Lord as a precious thing – because the character forged in refining is as pure gold.  Help them to not grow weary in doing good but keep their eyes on the harvest and what the Lord is calling them to.  May discouragement not beset them – but joy, faith, and hope in abundance.  Ultimately, help my children to know your pleasure in seasons of physical loneliness and for them to be satisfied in you.  In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Tags: joy, discouragement, loneliness, refine


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