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Children - Day 18 - Teachable

by Lauren Eshenour on March 02, 2024

Day 18 – Teachable

Lord, thank you for the blessing of a “full quiver.”  Today, I pray for __________ in the areas of humility and teachability.  So often these go hand in hand in a person’s heart.  Lord, allow them to see humility as valuable and a necessity.  Let them realize it doesn’t mean they will be doormats, but that they can’t be “know it all’s.”  Let them value counsel and take to heart the opinions of those in authority.  Help them to not just exhibit humility outwardly, but for it to be fully present in their hearts.  Let them always be teachable.  Help them to receive constructive criticism with gratitude, not defensiveness.  Cause their hearts to not function from a critical spirit – which is rooted in pride.  Let them be able to discern lessons from what to do and what not to do.  No matter how mature they get, may they never grow past humility and teachability.  In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Tags: pride, humility, criticism, teachable


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