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Children - Day 2 - Value

by Lauren Eshenour on February 15, 2024

Day 2 – Value

Psalm 139:1 – Oh Lord, you have searched me and you know me. 

Lord, I pray that __________will find value for themselves in you.  Help them to not attribute their value and worth to their work, grades, popularity, or possessions.  Help them to see their value based in the cross and intimacy with you – that the Creator and Sustainer of all the universe has searched them and KNOWS them.  Allow them to soak in the truth that YOU love them – each of them.  You demonstrated their full value by sacrificing Your life for theirs at Calvary.  You continue to speak to their worth by being near, convicting, encouraging, strengthening, and living in them by your Holy Spirit.  Oh, the depths and reaches of your love!  Your love reaches right down in their little hearts and searches them.  

When Hagar was in the wilderness feeling abandoned and rejected, you revealed yourself as “The God who sees.”  David records that you have searched ME and know ME – a very personal way in which you see my children.  You are active in the inner workings of their lives (have, know, perceive, discern, hem, laid, are…all in Psalm 139:1-5).  Lord, remind my children they are not mistakes.  Remind them of the truth that they were not only wanted, planned, and prayed for by Daddy and Mommy, but were handpicked for their generation and hour in history to bring the Kingdom of God and reveal the glory of the Lord.  Don't let these truths cause them to be puffed up or think of themselves more highly than they ought.  Let these truths cause security IN CHRIST and worship of Christ.  Worship, because you are Creator, omnipotent, omniscient, and Sustainer of all.  Cause them to be cognizant of your knowing all the days of their lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Tags: value, see, know, search, care


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