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Children - Day 26 - Trust

by Lauren Eshenour on March 10, 2024

  Day 26 – Trust 

Lord, I thank you for __________.  Thank you that you have called them into relationship with you.  Lord, as they build their foundations upon the Rock of their salvation, let them be unmoved in their convictions that you are good and trustworthy.  I pray that storms in their lives would be seen through the lens of faith which says, “My God is good and trustworthy above all else.  There’s no reason to fear or question my decision to follow Christ.”  Let them be resolute in their worldview that hardship comes from sin and evil while blessing, favor, love, and care comes from you.  I declare that my children will trust in you with all their hearts and lean not on their own understanding.  In all their ways, they will acknowledge you – knowing you will keep their paths straight.  In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Tags: trust, foundation, rock, good


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