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Children - Day 30 - Prayer for Prodigals

by Lauren Eshenour on March 14, 2024

Day 30 – Prayer for Prodigals

Lord Jesus, I come to you on behalf of __________.  They’ve been chasing things of this world and have been brought ever lower.  In Jesus’ name, I declare, “No more!”  Lord, thank you for restoring my child.  Thank you for haunting them with truth from your word – when they arise, when they fear, when they doubt, and when they question – let the truth of your word, planted deep in their hearts’ soil, ring in their souls’ ears.  Just as the prodigal, “Came to his senses,”  bring my child to their senses, in Jesus’ name!  Help _________ sense my love for them and remind them that they can ALWAYS come home.  Remind them that there’s no distance too great a span for my love for them.  Let them be dissatisfied by the tastes of the world and pursue the things of God.  Today, I declare that __________ will stop running away from the light and will be drawn into it.  In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Tags: love, prodigal, run, pursue


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