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Children - Day 31 - Know His Voice

by Lauren Eshenour on March 15, 2024

Day 31 – Know His Voice

Lord Jesus, I pray for __________, that they would know you.  I ask that they wouldn’t just know you in their minds or have understanding intellectually.  May they KNOW you deeply and intimately.  I pray they would pursue you all the days of their lives.  As a result, Lord, I declare that ___________ are sheep that know the Great Shepherd’s voice.  Lord, allow them to develop deep relationship with you.  Help them to recognize how you speak and in what ways you speak to them.  Cause them to approach their times with you in expectation that you will speak.  Help them to learn listening, waiting, and abiding.  Lord, saturate them with a hunger for your voice; make it insatiable.  Help them to clearly identify your voice above all others – not to be confused by the voices of the world.  Let them know your heart as they know your voice.  In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Tags: listen, know, hear, obey


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