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Children - Day 32 - Self-Control & Obedience

by Lauren Eshenour on March 16, 2024

Day 32 – Self Control and Obedience

Lord Jesus, I pray for all my kids in the areas of self-control and obedience.  Lord, I know you speak to my children in alignment with your word, and yet they often don’t respond in obedience.  Lord, I pray that as you prompt them, they would not miss what you’re doing.  Help them be able to function from the fruit of the spirit.  Lord, develop self-control in them and show us how to assist in this.  Help them to respond to your heart in a manner that recognizes your heart – a heart to bring about refining in their lives not because of disapproval but because of your love for them.  Cause them to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry in relation to us and you.  Cause their hearts to be molded, not smashed, into the pattern you have.  In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Tags: obedience, self-control, obey, respond, refine


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