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Children - Day 33 - Friends

by Lauren Eshenour on March 17, 2024

Day 33 – Friends

Lord Jesus, I pray for godly friends for __________.  I pray that you would raise up a few godly friends that are trustworthy, loyal, and men/women of God.  Help my kids not to gravitate toward friends that are edgy or rebellious.  Let my kids pursue friends that are pure in heart, eternally minded, and not full of selfish ambition.  I know your word declares that as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.  Lord, let the friendships that my kids develop be refining and mutually edifying.  Cause my children’s friendships to be rooted in deep conversation, sharing, and intentionality.  Please keep my kids from acquiring bad behaviors and being negatively influenced by friends that aren’t from you.  Raise up “kindred spirits” for my children who bring enjoyment and life throughout their childhood and teenage years.  In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Tags: behavior, friends, intentional, pure


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