Day 36 – Entertainment
Father, thank you for calling us to be alive on earth at this time in history. We declare that you’ve given us a mandate for such a time as this. You’ve given us everything we need for life and godliness. (2. Pet. 1:3) I receive the truth that you’ve given my children everything they need to live in a world that is addicted to media and pornography and is saturated by evil in the entertainment industry. I pray for __________, that you would decrease their appetites for the patterns of the world and increase their hunger for the Kingdom of God. Lord, let my children taste and see that the Lord is good, and as a result, recognize the bitterness of that which is vile. Lord, I thank you that my children will be resolute in their convictions regarding what they put before their eyes. As David declared, “I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me.” (Ps. 101:3)
Give them keen discernment into the agendas and mantras of the hour; let them not succumb to their themes. Lord, bring conviction laced with action for __________ to change their location and be honest if they see something or engage in something evil. Cause my children to love the light. May their curiosity never lead to infatuation or preoccupation with evil. I declare that my children will function with a heavenly mindset, pursuing things in light of eternity – not what feels good. I break off all hooks of entertainment in their flesh that would continually draw them in. NO MORE! NO MORE! NO MORE! In Jesus’ name, Amen.