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Day 1 - View One Another From Grace

by Lauren Eshenour on February 01, 2023

Jesus, I’m so grateful for your mercies in our lives – how you grant us second chances and give us what we don’t deserve (GRACE).  Your mercy and grace is evidenced in many areas of our lives – salvation, living in America, having an education, abundant provision, and our SPOUSE.  Lord Jesus, Remind US today that we are a picture and representation of the Lord’s mercy, grace, and lovingkindness to each other.  Remind us that we are gifts to each other.  We thank you for your good gift of marriage and I pray as we go through our lives that we are able to stir up gratitude for one another daily.  Help us not to take one another for granted and to view one another as a gift – never a burden.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Tags: prayer, grace, gift, spouse


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