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Day 15 - In Laws

by Lauren Eshenour on February 15, 2023

Dear Jesus, I pray for our marriage in the area of in-law relationships.  I thank you for the acceptance and understanding that is expressed by both extended families.  I thank You that there’s not a sense of HIS or HERS when it comes to families but OURS.  I pray that HUSBAND would always feel like he belongs and is a son/brother to her family.  I pray that WIFE would always feel like she belongs and is a daughter/sister to his family.  Help us to not pick up offense in the event that there are times of awkwardness or tension in these things. 

Allow us to be quick to forgive.  Cause us to look past the mistakes and see the hearts of our in-laws.  Help us to speak truth – to stand up to our families about each other AND to stand up to each other about our families (both are necessary at times).  Jesus, may peace reign in our extended family relationships for nothing less than the praise of Your glory.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

Personal note:  If I can encourage you to invest in any relationships even when it’s hard, it would be that of your in-laws (especially parents).  There are not words for how blessed this relationship can be and the ramification it has on your marriage, kids, finances, life, and ministry.  Cultivate it every chance you get. 

Tags: family, unity, parents, honor, in laws


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