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Day 19 - Vulnerability

by Lauren Eshenour on February 19, 2023

Jesus, I thank you that a marriage is one of the most intimate of relationships humans can experience.  We recognize that the more intimate the relationship the more hurt can come about.  Lord, I pray that we would never use vulnerability against the other person.  Thank you, Jesus, that our marriage continues to be filled with truth, loyalty, and no fear.  Cause us to always think the best of the other and communicate the best of the other TO others.  I pray against temptation to have a critical spirit because we are intimately aquatinted with each others’ flaws.  Help us to always see one another as God called and designed us to be – even if we aren’t walking in the fullness of that calling.  In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

*This concept recently revolutionized my view of, not just Tim, but also those who I’ve trusted in the past and have broken trust.  I am required to look at them as God sees them – not as they are currently functioning.  They may be living a compromised or distracted lifestyle, and yet God has called them to a significant role in His kingdom.  I need to walk in the fullness of grace and choose to see them in a manner they have yet to walk in.  My spouse may not be the best leader, but he’s called to be one and that’s how God designed him – so I must call him to life…this applies to so many areas of life.  Just allow the Lord to give you revelation into this.

Tags: trust, calling, fullness, vulnerability


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