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Day 30 - Repentance and Rest

by Lauren Eshenour on March 02, 2023

Isaiah 30:15 – In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.

Lord, I thank you that this verse speaks to the power of repentance.  I pray that in seasons of being at a standstill in marriage, you bring to mind the power of truly humbling ourselves in marriage and resting/trusting in the Lord to heal as a result.  I pray for pure, humble hearts and attitudes to always be found in us.  I thank you for the breakthrough we’ve had as a result of verbally repenting.  You are a promise keeper and true to your word in every season.  Thank you that you will bring this verse to mind when we are in need.  Thank you that you’ll keep your word even then as well.  In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Tags: trust, repentance, healing, rest


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