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God's Affirmation to Fathers

by Lauren Eshenour on June 28, 2023

During prayer on Father's Day morning, the Lord gave me some affirmations for the fathers of Abundant Harvest Church.  I shared them and then prayed over the dads.  Here is the list of what God spoke to the men that day:

  1. You are a good man.
  2. You are patient.
  3. You have insight into the hearts of your children and grandchildren.
  4. You are bold and full of courage.
  5. You are a pursuer of eternal things.
  6. You are honorable and full of integrity.
  7. You are one who sees into the future.  
  8. You are full of energy.
  9. You are hard workers and good providers.
  10. You are one who fights naturally and spiritually for your family.
  11. You are full of wisdom and the Holy Spirit.
  12. You are a creator that creates life and calls it out of your children.
  13. You are a good model and standard bearer.
  14. You are the backbone of the Church.
  15. You are the epitome of strength.
  16. You are worshippers and hungry for relationship with your heavenly Father.
  17. You are necessary.  

Dads even if these things don't look like it in the natural, I pray you are able to see how God sees you - and what He believes you to be.  

Tags: strength, honor, dad, affirmation, father's


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