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Grandchildren - Day 10 - Growing in Stature

by Michele Eshenour on February 23, 2024

Day 10 - Growing in Stature (age, maturity, fullness of life)

Luke 2:52 - And Jesus kept growing in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.

Father God, Thank you that Your word gives us a glimpse of Jesus’ young life. Just as He grew naturally in physical stature and age, I pray for my grandchildren, that they will mature appropriately according to their developmental age. The word “stature” implies their physical development and health, and I ask that You would cover my grandchildren with healthy, strong bodies. I pray that they would be able to accept the body You have given them as a unique expression of Your creativity and purpose. Protect them from any confusion that the world tries to impart about their gender.

 I pray that You would give them a conviction to be good stewards of the body You have given them. Help each one to find an exercise they enjoy that helps them to stay physically active. Enable them to maintain a healthy relationship with food, to crave those foods that are healthy for them and to be moderate and self-controlled about eating desserts and junk food. I pray that the enemy would not be successful in sidelining my grandchildren with sickness, inaccurate self-image, apathy about body care, and general malaise. May they rise up in fullness of health and life to fulfill the call You have put upon their lives. 

In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Tags: man, confusion, conviction, growing, stature


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