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Grandchildren - Day 11 - Growing in Favor with God

by Michele Eshenour on February 24, 2024

Prayer #11: Growing in Favor with God

 Luke 2:52 - “And Jesus kept growing in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.

Heavenly Father, 

I love the fact that we are told in Luke that Your own Son, sent to earth from Your bosom in heaven, grew in favor with God, His Father. If Jesus, who was already God, grew in this fashion, how much potential is there for my grandchildren to do the same! Hebrews 5:8-9 tells us that “Even though Jesus was God’s Son, he learned obedience from the things He suffered. In this way, God qualified Him as a perfect High Priest, and He became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey Him.” So just as Jesus was growing in obedience as a 12-year old boy to fulfill God’s will for His life, I pray that all of my grandchildren would progressively grow in obeying You, God. For when they obey Your commandments, they remain in Your love, just as Jesus obeyed His Father’s commandments and remained in His love (John 15:10).

Give my grandchildren experiences of feeling Your presence and love in tangible ways. Oh God, impress upon them and open the eyes of their understanding to truly perceive Your great, unconditional love for them that knows no bounds. Free them from the lie that they have to earn Your love and that Your love is withheld when they mess up. As they understand their secure position in the finished work of Christ, they can stand tall in Your presence and sense Your favor and pleasure in them. Obedience will be a natural outflow of responding to Your love. May Your grace be upon _____________ to be strengthened to walk in a way that fosters an ever deepening relationship with Christ and favor with their God. 

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Tags: god, grace, favor, relationship, growing


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