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Grandchildren - Day 21 - Freedom from Addiction

by Michele Eshenour on March 05, 2024

Day 21 - Freedom from Addiction

    (I Corinthians 10:13; Psalm 34: 7, 8, 15, 17; Jeremiah 31: 14; Isaiah 61:1; I Thess. 2: 12; Galations 5:1) 

O God, The starting place for my grandchildren to not become addicted to anything is a heart that wants to live for You. So I again petition You to draw ___________ to salvation and a complete trust in You. There are so many temptations in this world that my grandchildren need to battle. I thank You for Your promise of faithfulness, that You will not allow any temptation to be more than they can stand. When they are tempted, You will show them a way out so that they can endure. Use their parents to equip them to know how to say “no” when these situations arise.

 As my grandchildren grow and are more exposed to the outside world, I ask for the angel of the Lord to be a guard to surround and defend them. May the eyes of the Lord watch over them. Your Word says that Your ears are open to Your children’s cries for help and You rescue them from all their troubles. May __________ be quick to call upon You when they are faced with an opportunity to dabble with some vice. May they taste and see that the Lord is good at a young age and be satisfied with Your goodness so that other empty pursuits do not even attract. May they learn to be of sober spirit, to be on the alert for their adversary, the devil, who is prowling around like a roaring lion seeking to devour them.

For any grandchildren who have already been ensnared by some addiction (name it specifically), I plea for Your deliverance. Jesus came to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners. I stand in the gap and believe for freedom in my grandchildren’s lives from addiction to  ____________ (food, alcohol, drugs, smoking, social media, the approval of man, gaming, TV and movies, pornography and other sexual sins, etc.). In the name of Jesus, I break off the chains that keep my grandchildren enslaved to this addiction. I trust You, God, to bring the knowledge of Your truth, the people, and the resources into their lives to bring about this freedom. I believe that my grandchildren will be set free to walk worthy of God who has called them into His kingdom and glory because it is for freedom that Christ has set them free. ___________ will stand firm and not let themselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery to any addiction.

In Jesus’ name and power alone, Amen.

Tags: freedom, idols, temptations, addiction, guard, substance


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