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Grandchildren - Day 22 - Having God's Heart for the Lost

by Michele Eshenour on March 06, 2024

Day 22 - Having God’s Heart for the Lost 

(2 Peter 3:9; I Timothy 2:4; Luke 19:10)

  Father God, Your Word tells us that You do not wish that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. You desire all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For any of my grandchildren who have not made a decision to receive Your forgiveness and salvation, I pray that the Holy Spirit would woo their hearts to repentance and acceptance of Your new life. 

For those who do confess Jesus as their Savior, I ask that You would mold their hearts to mirror Yours in how they look at the world of lost, unrepentant people. Jesus, You came to seek and to save those who are lost and I pray that my grandchildren would catch the same vision. Please give them ears to really listen to what people say and think, hearts of compassion to see beyond their worldview, lifestyle, and appearance to perceive the person loved by Jesus; and tongues of truth and persuasion to lovingly challenge faulty beliefs. Help them to learn winsome ways of presenting the truth. May they never lose sight of what Jesus did for them on the cross so that they can reach out to others in that same love, not in criticism, judgment or rejection. May they live lives that represent You well and cause the lost to notice and inquire. Give each of my grandchildren, ____________, unique spheres of influence and fill them with boldness to share the gospel. 

In the name of Jesus who died to save us all, Amen.

Tags: truth, lost, heart, saved, perish, compelled


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