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Grandchildren - Day 27 - Right Relationship with Money

by Michele Eshenour on March 11, 2024

Day 27 - Right Relationship with Money

(I Timothy 6:10; Hebrews 13:5; Matthew 6:19-21; 2 Corinthians 9:7; Luke 6:38; Malachi 3:10) 

Father God, we know that our perspective on money is so important to You because of how much You talked about it in Your Word. So I pray on behalf of all my grandchildren that they would develop a healthy relationship with money from a young age. Guide their parents in facilitating the right attitudes and use of money in these precious children. Give them a proper understanding of earning, saving, spending, giving, and debt. May they clearly understand that any financial resources they have come from You and they are only stewards of them. I ask that You would guard their hearts from the love of money which would be the root of many kinds of evil in their lives. Instead may contentment reign in their hearts as they recognize that You are their security, not money and what it can buy. Allow them to choose contentment in times of plenty and times of little. I pray for these things in their future spouses as well so that money is never a dividing issue in their marriages. 

I pray that my grandchildren would be cheerful givers. May they be postured with open hands, not clenched fists of greed or fear. Cause them to hold a conviction to tithe and give generously of the financial blessings You provide. As they give, open their eyes to see how You in turn measure back to them blessings that overflow. Help them to maintain a willingness to work hard to earn money in order to have resources to give into Your kingdom. May covetousness and gathering of possessions on earth never grip _______________’s hearts. May a love for God and His kingdom ways be what grips their hearts and guides their decisions. As they properly manage their financial resources, I pray that You would open the windows of heaven and pour down blessing until there is overflowing abundance. For those grandchildren whom You have given a particular savvy for multiplying resources, develop this gift and open doors of opportunity for them to earn, invest, multiply and give lavishly from the abundance You provide.

All for Your glory, Lord Jesus, Amen. 

Tags: money, give, tithe, blessing, wise, foolish, abundance, spend


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