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Grandchildren - Day 28 - A Servant's Heart

by Michele Eshenour on March 12, 2024

Day 28 - A Servant’s Heart

(Philippians 2:3-4; Ephesians 4:32; 6:7-8; James 2:1; I Timothy 6:18; I Corinthians 10:24) 

Heavenly Father, May my grandchildren learn to walk in humility and selflessness so they can see others as more important than themselves. Teach them how to have healthy boundaries between balanced self-care and expending their energy, time and resources for others. Give ____________ tender hearts toward the hurting people of the world and in their circle of influence. Develop their capacity to empathize with the hurting and be generous with their resources towards the needy. As they mature, may they be kind, rich in good deeds, and not given to favoritism. I speak over them hearts inclined to seek the good of their neighbor rather than their own profit as they learn to live in the reality of how Jesus did that for them. My grandchildren will serve others out of a love for God with a willing heart that simply desires to glorify God, knowing that He is their provider and rewarder. 

In the name of Jesus, the greatest Servant of all, Amen.

Tags: humility, selflessness, servant


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