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Grandchildren - Day 29 - Denouncing Depression & Despair

by Michele Eshenour on March 13, 2024

Day 29 - Denouncing Despair & Depression 

Heavenly Father, You are the Father of all hope. As ___________ battle with any feelings of hopelessness, may You “fill them with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit ____________ may abound in hope (Romans 15:13). Bring them to a place of security and trust in Your deep love for them, a love that transcends life’s hardships and disappointments. May they see their worth as being in You alone. Free them from the traps of peer pressure, performance, social media popularity and the approval of man as their measure of worth.

I stand in the gap for my grandchildren, praying against the spirits of despair and depression and discouragement. They will have a sound mind that is free from fear. Teach them how to pour out their heart before You and then wait for You alone to meet their need. Give them understanding into the truth that You are their rock of strength and salvation; You are their stronghold when hope and joy seem fleeting; You are their safe refuge. They will not be shaken by negative emotions (Psalm 62:1-8). They will draw close to You and resist the devil’s wiles against them (James 4:7-8).

Father, I pray that You would command Your lovingkindness to cover my grandchildren in the daytime and may Your song be with them in the night like a prayer in their mind and on their lips. Bring to their remembrance examples of Your faithfulness in their past. Cause hope to rise up like a sweeping wave so that ___________ will praise You for the help of Your presence (Psalm 42).

And help me to cast all my worries about my grandchildren at the foot of the cross of the Savior who loves, cares for and guards my grandchildren in deeper love than I will ever know for them.

In the Name of Jesus, Author of hope, Amen.

Tags: love, hope, depression, worry, anxiety


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