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Grandchildren - Day 30 - Future Direction

by Michele Eshenour on March 14, 2024

Day 30 - Future Direction

Lord God, I am so thankful that I can entrust my grandchildren into Your loving hands because I know that You have a good plan for them, for shalom (complete well-being) and not calamity, to give them a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). Give them a desire to seek after You with all of their heart and to have ears to hear when You speak. Give them the inclination to follow in the path where You lead them without seeking their own way regarding their choice of friends, schooling, their vocation, who they marry, where they live, and every other decision that will shape their future. As You have promised in Psalm 32:8, please guide them along the best pathway for their life and advise them and watch over them.

Let ____________ hear Your thoughts of love for them every morning and may trust in You become like a second nature for them. Teach __________ the way in which they should walk. Teach them to do Your will, Your delight, Your good pleasure. Prompt them to make right and holy choices. Holy Spirit, lead my grandchildren on the level ground of righteousness and justice, delivering them from the snares of the enemy who seeks to destroy and distract (Psalm 143: 8-10). Lift them into the places where You have fitted them to be influencers and encouragers and leaders and servants. May they always walk in humility so that Your favor can rest upon them.

I’m excited to see what You will do in my grandchildren’s futures, Father!

In Jesus’ powerful Name I pray, Amen. 

Tags: spirit, calling, future, choices, will


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