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Grandchildren - Day 31 - Faith Legacy

by Michele Eshenour on March 15, 2024

Day 31 - Faith Legacy 

(Psalm 72:5; 22:30-31; Psalm 78:4,6-7; Jeremiah 32:38-41; Isaiah 59:21; 3 John 4) 

Father of families, I pray that my grandchildren and great-grandchildren will fear You while the sun and moon endure throughout all generations. My descendants will serve God and cherish their spiritual heritage. Coming generations will be told of the Lord and they will declare His righteousness to the next generation, the truth that in Christ there is completeness. O God, quicken my tongue to praise Your strength and wonderful works to my grandchildren. I pray that ______________ and any yet to be born will know You and put their confidence in You. May they keep Your commandments and never forget Your works on their behalf. 

My grandchildren will be Yours and You will be their God; give them one heart and one way to fear You always. You rejoice over them for their good and the good of their children. Keep them from turning away by putting the fear of God in their hearts. Faithfully plant them in Your will. Pour out Your Spirit upon them and may Your words be in their mouths never to depart. Give them conviction and wisdom to rise up and pass on this faith to their children in word and example. It is my heart’s cry that the ____________(family name) legacy be that we have an endless line of faithful believers through every family member until Jesus returns, for there is no greater joy than to hear that my children and their children are walking in Your truth.

By Your mercy, power and redeeming love, Amen.

Tags: faith, legacy, conviction, example, generation


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