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Grandchildren - Day 5 - Love for God's Word

by Michele Eshenour on February 18, 2024

Day 5 - Love for God’s Word 

(Hebrews 4:12; Psalms 19; Psalm 1:2; Psalm 119:11, 18, 73; Jeremiah 15:16) 

            Thank You, God, that Your Word is sharper than any two-edged sword to bring discernment and correction, sweeter than honey to feed the soul, more precious than gold to possess, and beyond compare to make the wise simple. Oh, I pray that Your Spirit would kindle in my grandchildren’s hearts a deep respect and love for the Bible. Help them to become good readers so that they can read Your Word for themselves. As they read, speak to them. May _____________ accept Your Word as alive and relevant to their personal lives. Give them verses that jump off the page and speak to specific areas of their lives and convict, strengthen, and encourage them. Cause them to delight in Your Word.  Open their eyes that they may see wonderful truths in Your law. Give them understanding into Your Word and Your ways. 

            Your Word is living and active. May _____________ experience this reality early in their exposure to Your Word so that they are drawn back for more. Give them an unquenchable thirst accompanied by a heart to obey what the Spirit shows them. Help them to be attentive when in a setting that Your Word is being taught and cause the truth that You know they need in any given moment to lodge itself in their minds and keep bringing it back to their remembrance. May they learn to hide Your Word in their hearts so that they will not sin against You. And may Your words become a joy and delight to their hearts. 

In the name of Jesus, The Word, Amen.

Tags: love, bible, word, delight


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