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Grandchildren - Day 6 - Aversion to Sin

by Michele Eshenour on February 19, 2024

Day 6 - Aversion to Sin

(Psalm 119: 11; I Corinthians 10:13-14; I Peter 1:2; I Thessalonians 5:23; Romans 12:1; I John 5:18)

 Creator of my grandchildren, Thank you for fashioning each one according to Your holy purpose for their life. In keeping with their holy calling, I pray that You would heighten their recognition of and abhorrence for sin in their own lives and in the world around them. May their perception of sin not be weakened by the climate of compromise and deception in the culture. May they never waver in their conviction that Your Word is the barometer of right and wrong and may they hide Your Word in their heart so that they are strengthened not to sin against You. Free them from any condemnation and performance mindsets that focus on sin rather than Your grace and renewal. Give them the perception to quickly recognize the temptation to sin and to immediately turn to You for the way to avoid it. Give them a passion for Christ that naturally causes them to flee from idolatry of any sort. 

Father, when _____________ accepted You as Savior, You set them apart for Yourself by the work of the Spirit. May their whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless until Jesus comes again. By Your mercy, give my grandchildren hearts to present themselves to You as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to You. Give them understanding of how to renew their minds according to truth in Your Word so that they can walk transformed in their holy identity given them at the point of salvation. For anyone born of God does not continue in sin and the evil one cannot harm them because You God, keep them safe.

 In You alone, Amen. 

Tags: sin, temptation, conviction, right, wrong


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