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Grandchildren - Day 8 - Obedience

by Michele Eshenour on February 21, 2024

Day 8 - Obedience

Heavenly Father, as my grandchildren grow, please instill in them a heart that is inclined to simple obedience, that they would declare, “I delight to do Your will, my God, Your Law is within my heart” (Psalm 40:8). Give them spiritual sight to understand how Satan seeks to blind them to Your purposes by distracting them with earthly interests. Holy Spirit, cause their hearts to decisively reject the motives and desires of their sin nature. Teach them how to deny themselves in small ways as building blocks for being able to take up Your cross of selflessness to follow You wholeheartedly (Mark 8:34). Give them ears to hear Your voice and to simply obey without any detours of evaluation and questioning according to their limited knowledge. Help them to maintain a childlike faith even as they grow and mature.

Give them insight into the truth that obedience to their parents is obedience to You, because that is the job Your Word gives them in these developmental years. May they experience a joy in quickly and cheerfully obeying their mother and father and other authorities.  Give their parents a spirit of love and humility, wisdom and discernment in how to train ___________’s hearts  in the direction of obedience. May their parents set an example of simple obedience to God that is worth emulating.

Thank You for Your divine patience and perseverance in molding _____________ into humble, obedient servants of Christ for the rest of their lives.

In Jesus’ Name, our supreme model of obedience, Amen.

Tags: truth, listen, purpose, heart, obedience


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