Day 6 – Gratitude – Family

This entry is the most personal out of all the prayers for the journal.  My encouragement for Day 6 is to personalize your own thanksgiving for family.  Even if there is brokenness in this sphere, there are things for which we can be thankful.  Be led by the Holy Spirit to pen thanks from your heart.  

Oh Lord, thank You for my family. Thank You for letting me encounter the truth of the Gospel, and that I grew up in a Christian home with an intact family.  Thank You for Christian grandparents who cared for us.  Even though Dad died young, thank You for the years we did have.  Thank You for the love I experienced from my parents.  

Thank You for my husband, Tim.  I am a better person because of him.  Thank You for our friendship, unified calling and mission, and the faithfulness we share.  Thank You for Your faithfulness to walk us through difficult seasons that stretched us in ways we never expected.  Thank You for grace upon grace in our lives.  

Thank You for my children.  Thank You for their personalities, callings, and destinies.  Thank You for allowing us to encounter the National Center for Biblical Parenting early on – which caused us to have good tools to parent our kids.  Thank You for the opportunity to homeschool and their desire for learning.  Thank You that learning disabilities don’t have a place with our kids.  Thank You for gifting them musically, physically, and socio-emotionally.  Thank You for their creativity, humor, and intelligence.  Thank You that each one knows You and walks with You.  

Thank You for our spiritual children.  You have blessed us again and again through their lives.  Thank You for their hunger and the joy it is to watch them “grow up” in the faith.  

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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