Day 31 – This World Is Not My Home

When Love Was Slain – By Guy Penrod

This world is not my home.  This world is not my home.  My home’s been made at Heaven’s throne.  This world is not my home.  This life is not my own.  This life is not my own.  I am His and His alone.  This life is not my own…

Oh Lord, as I conclude prayers for a revived heart, I ponder where I “belong.”  Your Word is so clear that what I see and experience now is but a vapor.  The life I live is but a training ground for eternity.  This world isn’t my home.  The Apostle Peter says we are aliens and strangers in the land.  I know if I am going to walk revived, I need to stir up the truth that I don’t live for this world; it’s not my home.  Help me to be rooted and grounded in the inheritance of Heaven and eternity as reality.  Let my native language represent my heavenly home.  May I speak forth truth, the Gospel, love, and worship.  Help me to see people through the lens of eternity.  

Oh Jesus, may I live a life here as praise unto You!  I want You to have the glory for my life and in my life.  It’s not about me or the here and now.  This world isn’t my home!  Each day moving forward, help me to posture my heart in submission, obedience, adoration, and surrender.  I trust You.  I fear Your ways and precepts – not pursuing the praise of man.  I receive Your grace afresh today to live a life worthy of the calling I’ve received.  I receive your Holy Spirit that empowers me to live with a revived heart.  I know Your Word is true.  “His divine power has given me everything I need for life and godliness through my knowledge of Him who called me by His own glory and goodness. (2 Pet. 1:3) While this is just one month of deliberate pursuit for a revived heart, I believe what You have said, “That He who began a good work in ME will carry it to completion.” (Phil. 1:6)   By Your grace and for Your glory…

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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