Day 11 – Soft Heart

Oh Lord, I come to You today with the intent of presenting my heart as clay before the Potter.  I know I am clay, but I also volunteer my heart as clay.  Show me the areas that have gotten hardened over time.  I want each part to be pliable and available to You.  

Lord, I confess that life’s circumstances have left me with a jaded attitude at times.  Thank You for loving and pursuing my heart even in the hard areas.  Thank you for replacing the jadedness with hope and faith.  Give me revelation into the Kingdom mindset that is filled with expectancy for the future. 

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be holy and pleasing to You.  Let me be filled with thanksgiving and joy instead of a bitter, grumbling heart.  Thank You for taking my heart and using it how You see fit.  

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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