Day 17 – Romans 12:2

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing, and perfect will.  Romans 12:2

O Lord, this verse suggests that one’s character and/or action has become like the world.  Then it deals with it on a mind renewal level.  I thank You, today for showing me the areas of my life that I have been conformed to the world.  These are areas such as pride, rejection, media consumption, lack of time management, not living with an eternal mindset, staying comfortable, not making the most of every opportunity, seeing others without Your vision, and living from fear instead of faith. INSERT PERSONAL AREAS OF WORLDINESS I recognize these strongholds in my life and invite You into them.  Help me to walk in the mind of Christ.  I know I HAVE it.  Let me be overcome by Your purpose, plan, nature, being, and ways, that I may do as Paul say, “Be transformed by the renewing of my mind.

Today, Lord, wash my mind with Your Word and Truth.  Let all of the ungodly things I’ve allowed my imagination to embrace come into alignment with Your Word.  Have Your way in my soul – metamorphize my mind for Your glory.  Thank You for being a gentle Shepherd and Good Father, who doesn’t correct in anger and isn’t postured to see from disappointment.  Thank You for causing me to see as You see and confess as You confess.  Thank You for the work You’ve already done.  Thank You for Your faithfulness to carry out the good work You’ve started in me and bring it to completion.  Glorify Yourself today and do it through me.  

In Jesus’ name, amen.  

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