Day 7 – Gratitude – Church

Oh Lord, I stir up gratitude in my heart today for the Church.  While I am grateful for my church, I am also grateful for THE Church (Body of Christ).  Thank You for empowering her, equipping her, gifting her, and releasing her.  Thank You for Your involvement in the Body.  You haven’t abandoned the Church!  You never leave us or forsake us and Your plans never falter.  Thank You for choosing the Church to be the light and show truth to a dark and dying world.  While using us as a means to minister the Gospel wouldn’t be in line with “our” plans, You endow us with Your Spirit and say, “Go!”  As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are Your ways higher than mine.  You are the One who builds the Church; we recognize our dependence upon God Almighty, who does not “build the house” in vain.  Again today, I declare my allegiance to Christ and my need for You as head of the Body (Church)

I am also grateful for the local church.  Thank You for uniting us with like-minded, like-visioned people.  Thank You for the family dynamics of the local church – how we can live life together.  Thank You for the unique, individual gifts and callings You’ve established and how You’re going to use them to reach INSERT LOCATION and beyond.  Help my Brothers and Sisters to not grow weary in doing good – but recognize harvest is coming if they don’t give up.  Thank You for Your grace as demonstrated through my Church family.  

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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