Day 8 – Jesus at the Center

“Jesus at the center of it all, Jesus at the center of it all.  From beginning to the end, it will always be, it’s always been You Jesus.  Nothing else matters!  Nothing in this world will do.  Jesus, You’re the center and everything revolves around You, Jesus You!”

As I come into prayer with this song ringing in my heart, I’m quickened and convicted by the Holy Spirit questioning, “Is it true?  Am I really at the center?  Am I all that matters?”  If I am truly honest, I’d respond with, “It’s mostly true.”  But, that in and of itself is a lie.  He’s either the center or he’s not.

Oh Jesus, I declare You Lord in my life afresh today.  I repent of having given myself to temporal things that have no eternal value.  Help me walk in a kingdom mindset – one that acknowledges Your value and worth above all else.  Thank You for grace which gives me what I don’t deserve and helps me to walk it out.  Thank You that You’ve given me EVERYTHING I need for life and godliness.  You’ve given me grace, mercy, and lovingkindness.  You’ve given me Your spirit and the fruit of the spirit.  You’ve given me Your Word and hope for change.  Thank You for doing Your part.

Again today, I commit myself to doing my part.  I repent of INSERT THINGS THAT TAKE CENTER PLACE.  Today, I declare that INSERT IDOLS are given an eviction notice.  They are dethroned in my heart.  Oh, King of my heart, take Your rightful place as Lord of my life. It is Your right because You bought me with Your blood.  Who else is worthy?  NONE!  Lord, I recognize Your extravagant love was poured out and to lay down my life is the ONLY thing that makes sense.  

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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