Day 9 – Behold

Behold, the Great I Am…Open our eyes to see Your majesty…

O Lord, what an incredible privilege we have to behold You!  You haven’t hidden Yourself from us.  You’ve revealed Your beauty, kindness, mercy, grace, goodness, omnipotence, creativity, and power.  You show Yourself through the Word, creation, and the Holy Spirit.  What a privilege we have to know You.  There is no end to knowing You because there is no end to You. 

Oh Lord, as I behold You, things diminish in their importance.  As the hymn writer, Helen Lemmuel, composed, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus.  Look full in His wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.”  You are big and You preside over nations and creation, yet You are not distant and You know the intricacies.  Today Lord, I want greater revelation of who You are and Your vastness. 

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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