Day 18 – What Do I Hunger For?

Recently, my husband, Tim, gave a spontaneous mini message to the Tweens.  He had a mousetrap and asked them to explain how it worked.  He then explained that if the mouse wasn’t hungry because it had access to other food sources, the trap would not work.  He explained that the enemy of our souls sets traps for us and often, we haven’t satisfied ourselves on the Lord – so we’re hungry and get lured into the trap.

Oh Lord, stir up my spiritual appetite for the things which truly satisfy.  I repent for, so often, feasting on other things which result in a lack of hunger for You.  

I confess that, because I feast on the wrong things, I am not satisfied and am easily lured.  Oh Lord, help me!  Stir up within me a hunger that is only met by godliness.  I declare that my flesh must be subservient to my spirit man.  Spirit man, arise!  Feast on the good food of the Kingdom:  the Word, the spoken Word, the Gospel presentation, worship and praise, quiet, sabbath rest, and service to Christ.  

I declare that my fleshly desires and even the dopamine “fixes” that cause addiction in my flesh must bow their knee to King Jesus, who lives in me.  Greater is He that is in me than He that is in the world (and this includes my flesh).  Lord, I invite You into this place again today.  Do what only You can do by Your Divine grace, to bring proper hunger in my life.  

In Jesus’ name, amen.  

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