Day 1 – Daily Bread

Give us today our daily bread. Matthew 6:11

Oh Lord, thank You for a new day.  Thank You that I am alive during a strategic hour in history and that You’ve established the place I should live.  Thank You that I can come to You, daily, and You give sustenance to my spirit.  Not only do You give me daily bread in the natural, but You are daily bread to my spirit-man.  Thank You for allowing me to taste and see Your goodness.  Let me experience that afresh today.  

As the song, Been So Good says, “You have been so good to me.  God, I can’t believe how You love me.  What a friend You have been!”  Lord, I confess that I often take the completed work of the cross for granted. Thank You for reminding me, today, that without You I am nothing and can do nothing.  Your finished work is absolutely necessary.  You are the reason I can do anything and keep on doing it.  You ARE my daily bread. Thank You for providing a safe space for me to bring my heart daily.  In Jesus’ name, amen

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