Day 3 – Gratitude – More Than Enough

*This one is being written from Wagner Park, watching the kids fish.  As I pause and reflect, I know how blessed I am.  Over the next few days I will choose to stir up gratitude in many different areas.  I know the Word says to, “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.”  I remember how early in my walk with the Lord, giving thanks led to my heart being captivated.  Captivate my heart again with Your goodness, oh Lord! 

Father God, thank You for being my Father – for loving me unconditionally.  Thank You for establishing me in Your kingdom – for giving me a way to know You.  Thank You for the inheritance I have because I am Your child – the inheritance of peace, mercy, freedom, authority, security, blessing, favor, provision, identity, and so much more.  Thank You for Your lovingkindness.  It is better than life!  Thank You for calling me out of darkness and into Your marvelous light.  Thank You for being more than enough. 

Jesus, thank You for leaving Your rightful place at the right hand of the Father.  You considered Yourself nothing.  For the joy set before You, You endured flesh, living as a man, and dying the most horrific death possible.  You wept, prayed, cried, and overcame the flesh.  You went willingly to the cross.  You took the wrath that I deserved, and I am forever grateful.  Thank You for being more than enough.  

Holy Spirit, thank You for Your presence.  Thank You for illuminating the Word and bringing revelation of Jesus.  Thank You for Your wisdom and guidance.  Thank You for speaking and getting my attention.  What a gift You are so that I can live my life empowered for the Kingdom!  Thank You for walking me through all of life’s seasons and gracing me for the present hour.  Thank You for being more than enough.  

Amen and Amen.

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