His [the Son of Man] head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were blazing like fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance. Revelation 1:14-16
Oh Lord, I recognize that part of what leads me to walking in a revived state is viewing You from a place of purity and holiness. You are not ordinary or profane. You are altogether holy. You are with distinction and set apart. There is no one and no being fully like You. Lord, forgive me when I’ve treated You in an irreverent way – when I’ve approached You from a place of arrogance and entitlement. As Keith Collins says, “You’re not one of the boys to go to the club with.”
I am reminded of the commandment to not take Your name in vain. This doesn’t just mean to swear; it means to take for granted or treat that which is holy as normal. I’m also reminded of 1 Corinthians when Paul addresses them for not taking communion in the proper manner. Oh Lord, our tendency is to overlook Your holiness. But, how can we? The revelation John shares shows it’s Your nature – purity, holiness, and fire. Isaiah fell as a dead man when he saw You. Moses was told that if he saw Your face, he could not live. Oh Lord, You are so holy!
Thank You for reminding me and giving me a fresh vision of what it means to honor a holy God. You are worthy. You must increase. You must be lifted up. Again and again, my heart declares, “It’s all about You!”
In Jesus’ name, amen.