Oh Lord, Your lovingkindness is better than life. I come today recognizing there have been many times when I’ve rejected Your love. I’ve gone “a whoring” when I should have given myself to intimacy and true love. I have treated Your love as cheap and expendable. In fact, even a drop of Your precious blood poured out for me is invaluable and costly. I hear the pain You feel as I distance myself from You at times. It grieves You deeply.
Pictures in the Word show the depth of the ache you carry when relationship is broken between us. The prodigal son shows how much You love us even when we try to feed ourselves on the ways of the world. We come up empty and squander Your inheritance in the process. Still, You always want us home. I see the pain felt by Hosea when his wife chased after other lovers – yet He was unmoved, faithful, and steadfast. It is just as You are when we wander in our affections.
Oh Lord, today I say, “Thank You,” for Your faithfulness when I am unfaithful. (2 Tim. 2:13) Thank You for Your blood poured out; You held nothing back. You chase me down and say, “Come home,” again and again. How could I want anything or anyone else? Help me keep my hunger and passions pointed in the right direction – always at You.
In Jesus’ name, amen.