Day 24 – Heart Soil

Even after Jesus had done all these miraculous signs in their presence, they still would not believe in Him. John 12:37

Oh Lord, I recognize today that You are a good Sower that sows good seed.  As Jesus shared in Matthew 13, it’s not the quality of the seed that’s the issue; it’s the quality of the soil.  You are faithful to sow word after word in my life.  I confess there have been times when my heart’s soil has not been tended to receive Your words.  Sometimes Your words were stolen as soon as they were scattered.  Sometimes they sprang up but weren’t rooted in faith and were shallow.  Sometimes the struggles of life have made me doubt Your words.  Other times Your words have implanted themselves so deeply in good soil that convictions and beliefs are established.  

Ultimately, the daily handling of Your words points to the soil of my heart in the long run.  Help me, grace me, with the ability to keep the soil of my heart ready and receptive for planting.  Help it to be soft, turned over, fertilized, and watered.  Jesus, I want to sift through and remove rocks and clay.  I want to keep my posture always ready for You to pour out Your truth.  In the end, my desire is to be good soil that produces one hundred-fold.  Oh Lord, have Your way in my heart.

In Jesus’ name, amen.

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